
Openoffice 64 bit
Openoffice 64 bit

openoffice 64 bit

"We are proud to offer improved security and availability with our latest release.

openoffice 64 bit

"Users worldwide depend on OpenOffice to meet their office productivity needs," said Carl Marcum, Vice President of Apache OpenOffice. Apache OpenOffice supports more than 40 languages, offers hundreds of ready-to-use extensions, and is the productivity suite of choice for governments seeking to meet mandates for using ISO/IEC standard Open Document Format (ODF) files.

openoffice 64 bit

Used by millions of organizations, institutions, and individuals around the world, Apache OpenOffice delivered 317M+ downloads* and provides more than $25M in value to users per day. Wilmington, DE -7 October 2021- The Apache® Software Foundation (ASF), the world’s largest Open Source foundation, announced today Apache OpenOffice® 4.1.11, the popular Open Source office-document productivity suite. Updates to security and availability of leading Open Source office document productivity suite 07, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - The Apache Software Foundation Announces Apache® OpenOffice® 4.1.11

Openoffice 64 bit