The wallet provider in this case will necessarily be able to see the recipient address and amount of your tip, meaning your tip is no longer anonymous.

Such contact is initiated only based on user actions it involves directly connecting with the wallet provider’s servers without any interaction with our servers. However, if you have chosen to sign up with one of our wallet partners, then your Brave browser can contact their servers in order to send tips in near real-time to other members (e.g., verified creators) upon instruction. At the time of monthly settlement, our wallet partner learns the total amount of funds sent by all users to a particular publisher over the last month, and nothing else. Our wallet partners are used to pay out publishers on the basis of aggregate and fully anonymous monthly contributions, again with no linkability back to any individual user. This same property holds for tips and monthly contributions if you use Rewards just by enabling it, without signing up at Uphold or other wallet providers. All automatic contributions are anonymized such that no one can link these transactions with a specific user’s wallet or browsing activity, thanks to the extensive use of privacy preserving cryptographic protocols.